Create a story with text, images and videos.
Ideal for creating mobile responsive presentations and interactive stories
See Some SamplesQUIZ
Create a quiz with a wide range of picture-based question formats.
Ideal for fun trivia games or as learning engagements
See Some SamplesASSESSMENT
Create a test with weighted questions and content uploaders.
Ideal for assessing knowledge, compliance or as learning tests
See Some SamplesPROFILER
Create an evaluation quiz with profile-mapping questions.
Ideal for psychometric evaluation and personality tests
See Some SamplesSURVEY
Create a survey with a range of question formats.
Ideal for collecting feedback and data, and conducting market research
See Some SamplesPOLL
Create a poll for collecting your audience's opinion on a subject.
Ideal for quick in-event feedback and feature dipsticks
See Some SamplesFEEDBACK
Create a system to collect your audience's feedback on an experience.
Ideal for event and product experience study
See Some SamplesSUBMISSION
Create a form for submitting a document, photo, file, etc.
Ideal for recruitment campaigns, contests and lessons
See Some SamplesGAME
Create hyper-casual games by picking from our template library.
Ideal for engagement campaigns and brand evangelization
Create a recommendation system based on user responses.
Ideal for product awareness, selection and referral campaigns
See Some SamplesCALCULATOR
Create a calculator with sliders and Excel formulae.
Ideal for product pricing, fee calculators and scenario builders
See Some SamplesLINKLIST
Create a list of links for the user to navigate to.
Ideal for combining the other formats into large interactive stories
See Some Samples